Visit The Happiness

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Is The Past Gone?

I'd say yes and no. The past is gone, in the sense we can no longer affect what happened, but for many of us what happened in the past still affects us. In some cases people are stuck and unable to move on from what was.

I read somewhere the following quote... "to forgive oneself is to give up all hope of ever having a better past". If anyone knows who wrote it please let me know.

What a brilliant thought! So much energy goes into mourning the past, wishing things could have been different. Forgiving myself for past transgressions reflects the truth that the past is over and no longer available to change. The only time we really have is this very moment. Everything else is past or future. And I can never have a better past! It is what it is. However, I do have a choice in how I deal with its effect on me. I choose to let go, ask forgiveness when appropriate, and move on to enjoy the moments I have.


At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thought Ken.

I recently was in my living room with my four-year-old son when he suddenly began to weep for no reason. "What's wrong?" I asked him, to which he replied, "I miss my Grandpa Oscar!" and continued to weep.

Grandpa Oscar, you see, is his dad's grandfather who died long before my son was born. My son's father tells him frequently that he has "his Grandpa Oscar's ears" but that it the extent to which he's ever known his Grandpa Oscar.

I hugged my son and told him that he should get to know his Grandpa better. "But he's dead!" he said. "Yes," I said, "I know that he died but the beautiful thing about our lives on earth is that they never really end. Life continues forever by the memories that we leave behind."

I encouraged my son to talk to his father about Oscar and to ask to see pictures. I further explained that the next time we visit that side of the family that he could ask his grandma (Oscar's daughter) for some pictures and some stories about Grandpa Oscar.

The past is never gone, as much as we sometimes might like it to be. But the beauty of this system is that we always have the opportunity to learn from the past, and I truly believe that it is that very opportunity that has brought any light that we have to the world that we live in today.

My two cents anyway...


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