Visit The Happiness

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Simple Is Sometimes Hard

I've noticed lately that I have a shortage of patience. I find myself being short-tempered with those around me when things aren't going the way I expect or prefer.

Well, that's easy to deal with. Just notice my change in attitude/behaviour when it happens, recognize that's not how I wish to behave, and do whatever I need to chill out a bit. If only!

What happens instead? I get more and more caught up in being irked, and I notice stuff that reinforces the feeling. And guess what? That's right. The spiral away from knowing the world as a positive place gets bigger and bigger, until I experience pretty much everything through the lens of "why can't things be the way I want?"

Note to self...just relax, people are not here to meet your needs all the time, and flexibility allows for a much richer life. So there! Easy, huh?


At 10:23 AM, Blogger simply...lilli! said...

Well, as Confucius put it ...

"Demand much of yourself and expect little of others. Thus you will be spared much vexation"

... I always enjoy coming back to your blog – thanks again for sharing your thoughts!


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